Thursday, March 10, 2011

What I already know

What I already know about surfing and the restrictions placed upon the sport in South Carolina is that it is only in affect during “tourist season”. Tourist season is when all the tourists from all over the country and Canada come to our beaches. This lasts from the start of spring all the way to September. The law placed against surfers states that we can not surf from 9:00 AM through 6:00 PM unless at a designated surf area. I have been surfing ever since I moved here and taught myself how to do it. I live here so why should I have to stop where surf just for the convinience of the tourists who are only here for little time and crowd our beaches? Surfing doesn’t hurt anyone unless you hurt yourself doing it. I know that a lot of kids and adults surf because it is a passion they possess and they use it as a way to get away from the problems they encounter, they surf to get their aggression out, they surf for the love of it and to bond with their friends or family. I am among that crowd and we do not feel that our passion should be taken away from us. Would you rather allow people to surf wherever they want or have someone angry all the time causing mischeif because they can not clear their mind due to some uncalled for law that pertains to the satisfaction of some tourists? Let us surf where we please, we are the ones affected by the law.

1 comment:

  1. I can truly tell your passion about this topic, and though I do not surf, I can empathize with your sentiment on restrictions on harmless hobbies. Unfortunately, Horry County makes the majority of its money from tourism, so this is a real and current issue. My questions to you are, "When was the first restriction every placed? What was the cause? Has the restriction shifted over time?"
