Friday, April 15, 2011

Chicken Joe loves to surf

Look at this happy little chicken. Chicken Joe is a character is the movie Surf's Up. Chicken Joe is a laid back guy who just loves to surf. Chicken Joe loves the sport of surfing and if anything happened to it, I don't think he would be smiling anymore. My friend Gabe Arce loves his bed very much due to the fact that sleeping is his favorite activity. Now picture Gabe's bed being taken away from him, do you think there would be a smile on his face? No, absolutely not. The same thing would happen if you took away Chicken Joe's surfing. Why should we have our surf spots taken away from us? Surf restrictions are not necessary and should be taken care of.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

quote #5

“The secret is officially out. Ireland is one of the top surfing destinations in the world.” – from Discover Ireland,  this quote is talking about the issue on saving Doolin Point and Crab Island in Ireland. The waves at Doolin Point and Crab Island are legendary, basically every surfer in the world has heard of this sacred land for ripping waves. Doolin Point and Crab Island are endangered because a pier is trying to be built which would make the waves not so legendary any more. The spot is in terrible need of saving and if a pier were to be built, strict surf restrictions may be put in affect. The World Surfing Reserves are applying for a permit to save this beach for surfers to enjoy and maybe we could do the same thing here. Nobody likes surf restrictions so we should not allow it to happen to another beach. "What You Can Do to Save Doolin Point and Crab Island | Save The Waves." Save The Waves Coalition. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>.

Quote #4

“not about any individual or commercial interest. This is about the wave, the place, and the community of Malibu.” In this quote, they are talking about saving the surf breaks at Malibu, California. Malibu was the first world reserved beach. The World Surfing Reserves took over the beach to keep the spirit of surfing alive. Malibu was also chosen because of its amazing waves and the great role it played in the birth of modern surfing. An event took place in Malibu where one hundred surfers paddled out on their boards and celebrated the life of Malibu’s amazing surf and celebrated to the amazing years of surf to come. Malibu is the first of many spots to be saved by the World Surfing Reserves organization and they will continue to carry on the joy and passion of the sport one wave at a time as their motto states on their website. "World Surfing Reserve Dedication | Save The Waves." Save The Waves Coalition. 9 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reflection paragraph on findings

What I found most interesting in my research is that “Localism” may be one of the reasons as to why the laws are so strict in our area for surfing. Localism is when a surfer or a group of surfers name a certain spot theirs and force others off of that area. The ones conducting this act may use physical violence, confrontation, or damage to one’s surfboard or car. What I found most surprising is that there is a big organization called The World Surf Reserves. What this organization does is adopts surf spots that are in need of saving whether the reason is pollution or population. When they adopt these spots they make them so that surfers are able to surf whenever they please. I had no idea this organization existed and I found it very surprising that this non-profit organization is helping us surfers. One question I still have is “is there a certain reason as to why these surf laws exist?”. The way I feel about my topic is that it was hard to find information on this topic being that there are very little cases going on involving my subject. I still am for my reason of abolishing the surf restricted area along our coast.

quote #3

"These special surf spots are the Yosemites of the coast". What he is saying in this quote is that these surf spots that are being protected are equivalent to the beauty and importance of Yosemite national park. In this article he is talking about Malibu, California and how its surf spots are being saved. One of the biggest reasons as to why the Malibu, California surf spot should be saved is because it is where modern day surfing first started. Surfing in the united states originated in this very spot and now it is in need of saving. This organization took advantage of the spot's calling for help and now surfers can be relieved that their legendary spot has been recovered and will continue to live on for generations to come. Barboza, Tony. "World Surfing Reserve - Malibu's Surfrider Beach Declared First-ever World Surfing Reserve - Los Angeles Times." Featured Articles From The Los Angeles Times. 10 Oct. 2010. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. <>.

quote #2

“It’s got so many amazing surf spots, a wonderful surf community, and it’s just a beautiful stretch of coast. The World Surfing Reserve designation will be a great way to help preserve the area.” In this quote he is talking about how Santa Cruz is a very desirable spot for the surfing reserves to take care of. the world surfing reserves adopted the beach at Santa Cruz because it was in need of saving. He is also talking about how the world surfing reserves adopted Ericeira which is a legendary surf spot in Portugal. Ericeira is a 2.5 mile stretch of surf paradise in the European side of the world. both Portuguese locals and surfers around the world name this spot as one of the top ten and was in desperate need of the world surfing reserves help of protecting this land. The world surfing reserves is definitely getting known and is quickly becoming a big deal. This is a good thing for the organization. "New World Surfing Reserves | SURFER Magazine." SURFER Magazine | Surf News, Fantasy Surfer, Photos, Video and Forecasting. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. <>.

works cited

Save The Waves Coalition. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. <>.

"Localism » Culture and History » Yo Surfer!" Surf Spots, Surf Reports & Forecast, Surfing Photos » Yo Surfer! Web. 12 Apr. 2011. <>.

"Fast Facts: South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation &." For Our Partners | South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. <>.

"Surfing Particpant Data." Google Answers. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. <>.

Barboza, Tony. "World Surfing Reserve - Malibu's Surfrider Beach Declared First-ever World Surfing Reserve - Los Angeles Times." Featured Articles From The Los Angeles Times. 10 Oct. 2010. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. <>.

"New World Surfing Reserves | SURFER Magazine." SURFER Magazine | Surf News, Fantasy Surfer, Photos, Video and Forecasting. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. <>.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Reflection Paragraph On Sources

When researching for articles and sources I had a hard time. There are not many sources on the internet that are about my topic. One website was amazing though. The best website I used was This website was mainly about saving surf spots around the world so surfers could enjoy them. This site would also fall in to the most trustworthy category. The website is updated every day and displays only true facts and news. Sites that were most bias were the ones talking about how localism ruins the sport and kills surfing’s reputation. Another trustworthy source came from the South Carolina state site. They provided me with information on tourism and the increase in tourism over the years.

Reflection Paragraph On Process

While I was researching this topic I felt very involved in the topic. I chose this topic because surfing is something I do a lot and the surf restrictions are very aggravating. I always wondered why these laws were in effect and every time I researched, I got more and more answers or theories why we have these laws. Researching this topic was very difficult. There were very few court cases or articles about the laws and nothing locally about the reasoning as to why these laws exist. What I liked the most was creating an Animoto because I have never done anything like it before and it was a fun experience. What I liked the least was finding quotes because not many articles were published about this topic so I couldn’t really find quotes. If I were to do this project again I would choose and easier topic, one that was more spoken about rather than a difficult subject such as this one.

Photo, Caption, Citation 3

This is a photo of a sign that shows a surfer riding a wave with the words “locals only”. this relates to my topic because it shows how localism can be an issue with the surf restrictions on our beaches. If most surfers enforce their spots violently for just locals, then it will cause problems with the law and result in strict laws against the sport.
Google Images. Photograph. Google. Web. 10 Apr. 2011. <>.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Finding paragraph 3

What I have found in my research is that South Carolina has no records of court cases against the restrictions of surfing. What I did find on court cases however, is that in San Francisco, California a surfer was charged in court for his localism. Localism is when surfers are possessive of their surf spots or waves and force others out. Usually surfers just give a harsh stare or even physically confront the person. Sometimes surfers will even vandalize a person’s car for intruding on their spot. In the one case a surfer who was widely known in the area was caught on camera performing his acts toward another surfer “intruding on his spot”. This man and three other surfers tied the other guy’s leash around his legs and forced him under water multiple times, broke the fins off his board, and even broke the man’s nose. Localism is a serious thing within the surfing community now. I feel that maybe this is a reason why there is surf restrictions placed upon us during the tourist season. Maybe these restrictions are for the safety of visitors so they do not have to fall into the dangers of harsh surfers that give others surfers, like me, a bad name.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Finding paragraph 2

What I have found is that there are organizations that can help surfers protect their beaches. These organizations acquire the beaches that need to be helped and turn them into surf reserves. Surf reserves are where surfers are allowed to ride whenever they feel like riding with no worries about laws kicking them out. One of my questions is “is there any type of group that can help surf spots?” I have finally found my answer and it is yes. One of the biggest groups is the Save the Waves Coalition. They are a non-profit organization that obtains the beaches in need in order or the passion of surfing to live on for us and the generations to come. In these organizations people from all over donate and help out such as pro surfers or just regular everyday people who surf for fun in their free time. It feels good to know that there is help out there for our cause. “The world surfing reserves is about saving the world, one wave at a time.” That is the quote of the save the waves coalition and I find it very powerful because surfing is a big sport and passion and without this organization helping out around the world, millions of people would have lost the ability to fulfill that passion.

wordle 2

Wordle: wordle 2

photo, caption, citation #2

In this photo it is shown that you are not allowed to surf. This relates to my topic because in most areas of South Carolina on the coast you are not allowed to surf. We see more of these signs along the coast every year and we surfers are tired of it. We want to see our beaches free of these signs and more of us in the water. "Google Images." Google. Web. 06 Apr. 2011. .

Finding paragraph #1

I have found that the tourist population in South Carolina has increase greatly over the years. One of my questions was “is the tourist population growing in South Carolina?” From what I have found is that the population is indeed growing each and every year. This growing population is affecting the surfing population I believe because it has made the surfing restrictions stricter over time. Bruce Jenkins said “Surf is life” how are we supposed to follow that if we can not surf due to the restrictions. I have found that South Carolina is not the only state with this problem. In fact this predicament is taking place world wide and surfers do not like it one bit. There are organizations that can save surf spots and make them surfing reserves so that we can not be kicked off our beach for tourists. With more and more tourists visiting our coastal area, more and more surfers are unable to do what they love and we need to change that.

Monday, April 4, 2011


“World Surfing Reserves is setting the bar high and far-reaching by covering the globe with the next group of beaches to be protected. I look forward to the dedications and future protection those beaches – as well as many others – will see.” - Kelly Slater (professional surfer)
In this article Kelly Slater is talking about the World Surfing Reserves stand on protecting the beaches of Santa Cruz, California and Ericeira, Portugal. This ties to my topic because maybe if tourism in South Carolina keeps increasing then surfing will continue to decrease and we may need the help of this organization to save the beach and sport for us. This organization saves surf spots all over the world and turns them into surf reserves leaving no restrictions on the surfing community. This shows that this is something happening not only here, but all over the world and there is an organization that can help us out with protecting our spots. This organization provides a bigger voice rather than just a small group of citizens which can help our cause greatly and shift the law making branch’s opinion greatly. If we reach out to this organization then maybe they will help our beaches.
"World Surfing Reserves | Save The Waves." Save The Waves Coalition. 24 Feb. 2011. Web. 04 Apr. 2011. .


This graph shows that since the year of 2003 tourism in South Carolina has increased. Noticing this increase in the tourist population I can add to my theory that South Carolina’s surf restrictions are in affect to please the visitors while they stay on the beach for the majority of their stay. The laws against surfing has gotten more strict over time and I have come to believe that the reasoning behind it may be because of the increase in visitors.
"Google Image Result for Http://" Google. Web. 04 Apr. 2011. .

Monday, March 21, 2011

photo, caption, and citation #1

This photo shows surfers enjoying the sport they love with a caption stating “we surf we care”. This caption shows that surfers are created equally just like everyone else in the world and should not have their spots taken from them because they care. This relates to my topic because us surfers do care if you take our spots away from us and we feel that we should not be treated as though we do not deserve the privilege to surf our own beaches.
We Surf We Care. Photograph. Rip Curl Planet | Home | Rip Curl Planet. Web. 21 Mar. 2011. .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What I want to learn

What I want to learn is why do we have surf restricted areas? I am very curious as to what are the reasons they are in effect. The laws that keep surfers out of the water unless at designated surf spots are only in effect during tourist season; why are they only at this time? Is it because of the tourists? I want to know if there was something that happened or some kind of dispute or argument that persuaded the county/state to place laws against surfing in the beautiful months of the year. When the coastal area is thriving with vacationers, we locals would like to be able to remain on our beaches and surf whenever and wherever we want. Some tourists even vacation here just to surf or watch surfers, so why decrease the availability of the sport that attracts people from every hemisphere of the United States and even the world?

dont take our surf spots

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What I already know

What I already know about surfing and the restrictions placed upon the sport in South Carolina is that it is only in affect during “tourist season”. Tourist season is when all the tourists from all over the country and Canada come to our beaches. This lasts from the start of spring all the way to September. The law placed against surfers states that we can not surf from 9:00 AM through 6:00 PM unless at a designated surf area. I have been surfing ever since I moved here and taught myself how to do it. I live here so why should I have to stop where surf just for the convinience of the tourists who are only here for little time and crowd our beaches? Surfing doesn’t hurt anyone unless you hurt yourself doing it. I know that a lot of kids and adults surf because it is a passion they possess and they use it as a way to get away from the problems they encounter, they surf to get their aggression out, they surf for the love of it and to bond with their friends or family. I am among that crowd and we do not feel that our passion should be taken away from us. Would you rather allow people to surf wherever they want or have someone angry all the time causing mischeif because they can not clear their mind due to some uncalled for law that pertains to the satisfaction of some tourists? Let us surf where we please, we are the ones affected by the law.

Monday, March 7, 2011

backround story

Why do I feel that surf restricted areas should not exist in South Carolina? The law in south Carolina forbids anyone to surf in Horry county between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The only areas where surfing is allowed are designated areas. This law is only in effect during “tourist season” which is very irritating to me and majority of other surfers residing here. I feel as though I should be able to surf wherever I want. Why should I have to give up where I surf because of the overload of tourists bombarding the beaches? I live here and I don’t feel that it is fair that I have to give up where I surf so tourists can crowd up in the water. As a tax paying citizen, the county should meet our needs and requests first rather than calling to the tourists’ satisfaction. I live here all year and should not have to give up my surfing areas. South Carolina should not make surf restricted areas all year round. Surfing is something we do to stay out of trouble during the summer, to clear our minds of all the bad things, and to hang with our friends and share the love of the sport. Why would you want to take that away from us? Abolishing surf restrictions would be a great thing to help our passion carry on. "Surfing is for life" -Bruce Jenkins